Photo: ROLEX/Carlo Borlenghi
The start

While here in the Northern emisphere it's cold and I've taken a superflu that had kept me away from the blog for some days in the southern emisphere it is summer and they know how to capitalise it with one of the most incredible and adrenalinic fleet race of the whole sailing world. The ROLEX Sydney Hobart Yacht Race together with the northern ROLEX Fastnet Race are as a matter of fact, for a lot of reasons, two races that never lack in spectacularity as everybody can easily understand from the long lists of accidents (that sadly sometimes had also culminated in tragedies) that these two races always have. Let's enjoy some pictures by the ROLEX Photographers while we wait for the arrival. To see hundreds of other pictures and updated news visit the REGATTANEWS.COM, the official site for all ROLEX Sailing Events.

Photo: ROLEX/Carlo Borlenghi

Photo: ROLEX/Carlo Borlenghi

Photo: ROLEX/Daniel Forster

Photo: ROLEX/Carlo Borlenghi
Spectators looking at the start

Photo: ROLEX/Carlo Borlenghi
Another kind of spectators...


2 Response to 'ROLEX Sydney Hobart Yacht Race has started'

  1. gilbertoscar33'> February 2, 2021 at 6:51 AM

    The ROLEX Sydney Hobart Yacht Race together with the northern ROLEX Fastnet Race are as a matter of fact, for a lot of reasons, two races that never lack in spectacularity as everybody can easily understand from the long lists of here


  2. Susan'> March 3, 2021 at 8:19 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.