(Pam Snow/AP/The Canadian Press/Nor'wester)
Just after Nari's one, another moving story about dolphins have just happened in Seal Cove, Newfoundland, Canada. Five exhausted dolphins have been trapped behind drifting pack ice. The animals somehow became separated from the open Atlantic and have been swimming for four days in a shrinking open-water area, just 100 feet from shore. They kept going round circles, trying to keep this little pool of water open so that they can have their breathing area. There was no where else for them to go.
The inhabitants of the little village could clearly hear them crying all night long.
(Pam Snow/AP/The Canadian Press/Nor'wester)
When it became apparent that the dolphin couldn't survive anymore without an immediate intervention a group of men in a boat cut a quarter-kilometre path through ice and led three white-beaked dolphins that had been trapped since the weekend to freedom.
One of the dolphins was so weakened by the ordeal that a 16-year-old boy wearing a survival suit went into the frigid water to attach a harness to it.
The animal was towed to open water, where it swam away.
Further info in the following videos: