The deadliest job of the world

By Guido Trombetta on 12:25 PM , ,

copyright Corey Arnold

The King Crab fishing in Alaska is probably the deadliest job in the world and it has a percentage of injured among the fishermen that grazes the 100%. It is, as well, one of the best paid jobs so that those courageous fishermen earn more than enough for them and their families for a whole year working for just a couple of months. The harvest takes place tipically in October and January when the weather conditions in Alaska are terrible. Each day of fishing is so dangerous and adventurous that Discovery Channel has produced a famous documentary serie called "Deadliest Catch" about the alaskan crab fishers.

copyright Corey Arnold

copyright Corey Arnold

copyright Corey Arnold

copyright Corey Arnold

copyright Corey Arnold

copyright Corey Arnold

copyright Corey Arnold

copyright Corey Arnold

copyright Corey Arnold
In order to face deadly risks everyday it's better to have a good sense of humour... :

Here are two spectcular videos. You won't believe your eyes.

The pictures are taken from these galleries where you can find a lot more:


3 Response to 'The deadliest job of the world'

  1. Anonymous'> December 15, 2010 at 2:02 AM

    Hope to see same more information in futere.


  2. viagra online'> May 10, 2011 at 12:16 AM

    This job is ridiculous dangerous, one mistake and you're dead, theres no price for a human life these guys are completely insane.


  3. Order Anti-Depressants'> December 29, 2011 at 1:18 PM

    Keep up the good work.