Picture by Byrne Reese
I've rarely used SeaWayBLOG posts to write direct messages to my readers. I prefer to use services like Twitter for this kind of things and leave the posts for what they are meant to be: articles. Sometimes, however, there are pretty important things I would like to say to all of you and this is one of these cases.
First of all I would like to apologize for the unfrequent updates of the last two months. This is mainly due to the fact that working as a sailing photographer, I'm incredibly busy with my job during summer months, that's also the reason why the great majority of the posts are related to sailing. In the last weeks I've received many kind letters from my readers who miss the other SeaWayBLOG's common topics like animals pictures and so on. The truth is that in this period I've just had the time to post pictures from my work being obviously a much faster job for me than preparing posts about other arguments. However I have not slept in the while, rather (almost like the nice crocodile waiting in ambush in the picture here above) I've kept collecting everything related to water was happening in the world, and I've got now a huge stack of notes on my desk that I hope to transform in articles as soon as possible.
Another important thing is that, as you may have noticed, today I've introduced a totally redisegned layout for SeaWayBLOG. It's the fourth in less than two years of life but as a blogger I'm never completely satisfied about it! Let me know if you like it and please be patient while I try to fix all the bugs that this kind of change always creates.