Fake Shark Attack Wetsuit

By Guido Trombetta on 10:14 AM , ,

Have you ever thought that all the wetsuit looks the same?
Well Diddo, a dutch artist and designer has definitely put the word end to this lack of originality...
With custom inks and unique printing techniques, he has been able to map textures onto the suits to create original designs. Lookin his masterpiece, the "chewed-looking wetsuit", that simulate you've been attacked by an angry shark I must admit he has been really imaginative....
Try to imagine the panic spreading over a beach if a surfer with a wetsuit like this would rise slowly from the water walking toward the people...

There are other great designs, a rusted iron diving suit, the anatomic musculature suit and finally a whale shark patterned suit, my favourite one.

Visit Diddo's site for any further info