Stumbling on across the internet I've found this funny picture. Congratulations to the author!
What's best is that it recalled me those wonderful strips of Calvin and Hobbes in which Calvin creates snowmen and puts them in scenes where they were dying or suffering in grotesque ways. It was a regular appointment of every winter, in the ten years the strip was published, Calvin and Hobbes always started creating entire worlds of snowmen. In my opinion those deeply surrealistic stripes were really amazing and propbably the best ones of the whole collection.
If you do not know anything about Calvin and Hobbes, the comic strip written and illustrated by Bill Watterson, about Calvin, an imaginative six-year old boy, and Hobbes, his energetic and sardonic stuffed tiger, you're probably from another planet and for sure you've lost one of the best comic strips ever.
Click here to see a good collection of the Calvin and Hobbes' "Snowman Series":