Snow Plow

By Guido Trombetta on 12:07 PM

Here in Milan, where I'm writing right now, for the first time this winter, it's snowing. That's why I feel so good in posting this...
Maybe many people don't know that there are some special train designed for snow plowing. These beasts are equiiped with a huge plow mounted on the locomotive and have an engine incredibly power in order to be able to push away tons of snow without getting stucked. These videos have been recorded on the Kyle Railroad, a short line that runs from North Central Kansas into Eastern Colorado and in winter it's always covered in snow.

Although, also these monster-trains could have some problems. In the two following videos you'll see a train getting stucked and another one derailed after hitting ice.

Finally have some loughs with the dangers of the snow plow...

If you've found interesting these videos, you could see many more here


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