Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The floating timber

After the story of the two fishermen lost floating in an icebox there is another report about flotsam in the news today.
What you see in the picture above (they resemble toothpicks, but they are beams of wood, each one five meters long) is part of the 1500 metric tonnes of untreated timber which Russian vessel Sinegorsk lost into the English Channel. The sawn timber was being carried by a Russian ship to Egypt when it started listing as gales reached Force 10 in the English Channel. The Sinegorsk was 14 miles off the East Sussex coast when they spilled into the sea. At first, experts believed the wood would wash up between Brighton and Newhaven – but it is now headed for Kent. A coastguard spokesman said: “It’s looking to go round Dungeness. It may… go on up through the Dover Strait.”